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Malta has changed its approach towards migration.

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The Minister of Finance and Employment of Malta, Clyde Caruana, announced in October 2021 a new employment policy for the decade 2020-2030, with the aim of addressing the need for specific skills in the Maltese labor market. Malta will bet on higher qualifications in the labor market, what is sought with this measure is to reduce the pressure that migrants bring on public services, such as schools or health, while at the same time betting on a progressive increase in the minimum wage to improve the quality of life of residents in Malta.

Despite recent changes, Malta continues to maintain an open stance towards foreign labor, which is difficult to find in these latitudes of the old continent. In fact, behind Luxembourg, Malta is the second EU country with the highest proportion of immigrants.

The message for non-European citizens who want to come to work in Malta through a work permit is that they have a good level of English, which they can improve on the island, and, above all, that they aim for higher education to have qualifications that the country needs.

Malta seeks skilled workers

The Maltese government states that industries require skilled workers, therefore a skills card is the first step in ensuring this is achieved and this measure is an initiative to achieve this as the main objective is to ensure that people who aspire to work on the island possess the skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary to provide a high quality service.