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Avanti Education

The cost of living in the United States for Colleges Students: What you should know?

Tips for coping with your child going to study abroad

The perfect time for a student exchange in 2024!

Discovering the differences of education system in Malta

Malta has changed its approach towards migration

Six benefits of being a permanent resident in Australia

Thinking about extending your visa in Australia? Do it with Avanti

Discovering Opportunities: The Benefist of studying in Australia

Canada, Australia or Malta: Where does a Colombia student earn more?

Best professions in Australia

Top 2 highest paying jobs in Australia

How much does a Latin American student spend in Australia? 

Frecuently asked questions and answers regarding studying in Australia

Reason why you should choose Australia as the country to carry out your international studies

What is a vocational course like?

Thinking of talking a gap year? 

Tips for processing your student visa for Australia

Australian student visa requirements

These are some requirements that you must take into account before applying for the Australian student visa

Requirements to consider to study in Australia

How to choose the right academic program abroad: Factors to consider

Australia creates new conditions that facilitate the entry of Colombians to their country

Tips before coming to study in Australia

Offshore versus onshore skilled migration – making the right move 

Work and travel opportunities for students: Australia has everything you need

Did you know that students in Australia have a high level of satisfation?

Do you want to study in Australia? Here we tell you 3 reasons to ratify your decision

ANZCO: Why is it important for migration and education in Australia and New Zealand

Did you know that you can come to Australia and live with a host family who provides free accommodation and meals?